मंगलायतन विश्वविद्यालय के प्रोफेसर बृजेश शर्मा का यह आलेख सबको जरूर पढ़ना चाहिए
There is a myth that it is difficult to get sufficient proteins from vegetarian diets. A vegetarian diet has a good proportion of complex carbohydrates, protein, and fat, the three macromolecules that are the cornerstones of any diet. Meat is not the only source of protein. It is now an established fact that vegetables contain over 20% protein on average, legumes almost 30%, whole grains 13%, and even fruits contain protein. Diseases originating from the overconsumption of protein like kidney troubles are common in wealthy nations. Chinese obtain 10% of their protein from meat. US people derive their 70% protein from meat.
World Vegetarian Day was first enacted by the North American Vegetarian Society on 1st October, 1977 as a way to promote the vegetarian lifestyle among non-vegetarians, raise awareness about vegetarianism and to promote the benefits this lifestyle provides. That is why, over the past four decades vegetarian diets has slowly gained popularity as more and more people began looking at the moral, economic, health and environmental issues surrounding the consumption of meat. There are about 375 million vegetarians worldwide.

The country with the largest vegetarian population is India. About two-thirds of the world’s vegetarians currently reside in India and the country accounts for more vegetarians than any other country in the world. In India, where there are religious reasons also guiding a cruelty-free diet, 31 percent of the population is considered vegetarian. Vegetarian diets are low in saturated fats and salt, thereby accounting for healthy heart and lowering of blood pressure, respectively. Foods such as fruits and vegetables are easily and rapidly digested and pose lower chances of cancer. Thus, it is clear that a vegetarian diet is healthier which reduces your long-term medical care costs and saves you a whole lot of money over time.
Fruits and vegetables should not only be considered as a matter of physical health alone but they are also claimed to be essential elements for our emotional, intellectual, and spiritual health. Since there is a definite nexus between diet and consciousness and purity of diet serves as an effective tool to purity and clarity consciousness. This looks sensible when we acknowledge the fact that all that goes inside constitutes a human body and human being is formed of energies of various types. The actual source of energy is that which enters into the body through sunlight, air, and food. It is material food that provides by far the highest amount of the energy from which our multilevel complex is shaped.
Vegetarianism strengthens the principle of coexistence, fosters peace for all living creatures, leavesa better place for the next generation, helps to maintain good health and preserve our environment. A slogan is also now-a-days becoming increasingly popular- ‘Go Green & Save the Planet’. So, in the true sense, vegetarianism is not only a lifestyle, but it’s a way for humanity and gateway for good health.
Dr Brijesh Sharma
HOD, Pharmacy, IBMER, Mangalayatan university, Aligarh
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